Real Estate Sales & Rental Info About Condominiums in Northern Virginia

10004 Oakton Terrace Rd #10004, Oakton VA 22124 On The Market

Real Estate Data In The Oakton Area

There’s a wealth of information available for buyers thinking of penthouses similar to 10004 Oakton Terrace Rd #10004 in the Oakton area.

Real Estate Pieces of Info About The Oakton Area

  • The median age of homes in the Oakton area is 38 years. 10004 Oakton Terrace Rd #10004 is 37 years old.
  • The Oakton Area has an average price per square foot of $350 . But, 10004 Oakton Terrace Rd #10004 is $299 per sqft.
  • The average days on market in the Oakton area is 64 days.
  • The average living area in the Oakton area is 2,920 sqft. Still, 10004 Oakton Terrace Rd #10004 has 1,003 sqft of living area.
  • Did you know that brick is the most common type of exterior in the Oakton area?
10303 Appalachian Cir #9-301 is the least expensive home in the Oakton area. 10303 Appalachian Cir #9-301 is listed for $245,000. On the other hand, 2555 Vale Ridge Ct is the highest-priced home in the Oakton area. 2555 Vale Ridge Ct is asking $3,425,000. In addition, this data is deemed accurate but not guaranteed. Above all, this info will change.  What is true and accurate today, 11/02/2021, will not be entirely accurate tomorrow or the day before. Check with Will Nesbitt for the latest real estate information from the Oakton area or for about information about homes not unlike 10004 Oakton Terrace Rd #10004. Continue reading "10004 Oakton Terrace Rd #10004, Oakton VA 22124 On The Market"

10220 Bushman Dr #8223, Oakton VA 22124 For Sale

What Kind Of Condo Can I Purchase In 22124 in Fairfax County For $300,000?

How Much Does A Mid-Sized Home Cost In 22124 in Fairfax County?

Depending upon your budget, you might want to consider this home at 10220 Bushman Dr #8223 which is selling for $305,000. Furthermore, consider that the average living area of condos in Vistas of Vienna is 1,028. Continue reading "10220 Bushman Dr #8223, Oakton VA 22124 For Sale"

10138 Oakton Terrace Rd #10138, Oakton VA 22124 On The Market

$400,000 ~ Oakton VA 22124 - Comparables and Suggestions

Location and price are probably the two biggest factors for condo property seekers. This real estate is available for $399,000. If you're investigating your selections in Oakton and your prequalified spending limit is roughly $400,000, you may want to reach out to Will Nesbitt about 10138 Oakton Terrace Rd #10138. Continue reading "10138 Oakton Terrace Rd #10138, Oakton VA 22124 On The Market"

Condo Real Estate Report

How is the real estate market 10/19/2021 for condos?

Are you looking for condos listed for sale in condo? Certainly, you should learn all you can about the market for condos in the area. Furthermore, many buyers will be surprised by what is happening to the condominium real estate market in Northern Virginia. See below for more info about the current state of the condominium real estate market, including
  • condo inventory data,
  • what condos have recently sold in Northern Virginia, and
  • facts about condos currently on the market.
Will Nesbitt would be happy to help your find your best choice of condominium. Continue reading "Condo Real Estate Report"

3178 Summit Square Dr #3-A2, Oakton VA 22124 Listed For Sale

$345,000 ⁞ Oakton Virginia 22124

Stuart Nesbitt loves working with home shoppers seeking 2 bedroom places in Fairfax County. We'd love to help you find your next home. Contact us if any of these other homes like 3178 Summit Square Dr #3-A2 interest you. Indeed, many purchasers might be surprised by what this home has to offer. Continue reading "3178 Summit Square Dr #3-A2, Oakton VA 22124 Listed For Sale"

10214 Bushman #121, Oakton Real Estate Announcement

What Can I Invest in In 22124 in Fairfax County For $300,000?

10214 Bushman #121 is an amazing home in 22124 in Oakton, But it's not for every buyer. What's important to you?

Your Nesbitt Realty agent would love to talk through your options. A few of the issues to sort through:

How much space do you need? How much space do you want? The average sized home in Vistas of Vienna is 1,130. What type of heating system do you prefer? Electric? Maybe you like natural gas or the warmth of an oil furnace? The most typical heating system in this neighborhood is heat pump(s). Do you prefer hardwood floors? Do you prefer carpet or ceramic? Maybe floors aren't a big concern for you. Continue reading "10214 Bushman #121, Oakton Real Estate Announcement"

Comparing Value Based Upon The Average Price Per Square Foot In 22124?

Are You Looking For 1,028 Sqft Of Living Space?

If you think the amount of living area that a penthouse has is a predominant consideration, then you are pretty normal. Moreover, only infrequently does a home hunter completely ignore the amount of living area in a property. Andrew informs us that, depending upon your purchase budget, you might want to think about this property at 10216 Bushman Dr #211 is listed for sale $259,900. Photo of 10216 Bushman Dr #211 Continue reading "Comparing Value Based Upon The Average Price Per Square Foot In 22124?"

Condominium Real Estate Facts

How is the real estate market 08/22/2021 for condos?

Are you contemplating buying a condo in Fairfax County? There's a lot to learn about buying a condominium in Northern Virginia and we can help. Moreover, you might be shocked by what is happening in the condo real estate market. See below for more information about the current state of the condominium real estate market, including
  • condominium inventory data,
  • what condominiums have recently sold in Northern Virginia, and
  • facts about condos currently listed.
Will Nesbitt would be happy to help your find your perfect condo. Continue reading "Condominium Real Estate Facts"

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