Real Estate Sales & Rental Info About Condominiums in Northern Virginia

Comparing Value Based Upon The Average Price Per Square Foot In 22033

Are You Shopping For No Less Than 802 Sqft Of Condo in Fairfax, Virginia?

If you think the amount of living area that a condo has is important, then you are pretty normal. Indeed, only atypically does a property hunter completely ignore the amount of living area in a property. Depending upon your pre-approved price limit, you may want to mull over 12158 Penderview Ter #1136, Fairfax VA which is available for $270,000. Photo of 12158 Penderview Ter #1136 Continue reading

Save $2,477 At 1021 N Garfield St #745 Arlington VA

Photo of 1021 N Garfield St #745 You could work with a big chain, or you can work with a small real estate business like ours. We appreciate you choosing us. Julie Nesbitt is standing by and appreciates your business. We appreciate real estate in Arlington and all over Arlington County Virginia. Nesbitt Realty rebates a portion of our commission to our clients. That way you can save money AND work with a small family-run business. Continue reading

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