Learn More About in Northern Virginia 22307 || $200,000
6631 Wakefield Dr #711 in Alexandria may be a best section for some buyers. Conversely, you'll want to get some basic points about the area to know if this is the residence for you.
Real Estate Secrets About The 22307 Area
- The median age of homes in the 22307 area is 58 years. 6631 Wakefield Dr #711 is 60 years old.
- The 22307 Area has an average price per square foot of $284
. But, 6631 Wakefield Dr #711 is $301 per sqft.
- The average days on market in the 22307 area is 47 days.
- The average living area in the 22307 area is 2,513 sqft. Nevertheless, 6631 Wakefield Dr #711 has 714 sqft of living area.
- Did you know that brick is the most common type of exterior in the 22307 area?
6641 Wakefield Dr #314 is the
least expensive home in the 22307 area.
6641 Wakefield Dr #314 is listed for $199,900. But,
6503 Blue Wing Dr is the
highest-priced home in the 22307 area.
6503 Blue Wing Dr is asking $1,899,500.
In addition, this information is deemed accurate but not guaranteed. Still, this info will change. What is true and accurate today, 07/01/2023, will not be entirely accurate tomorrow or the day before. Check with Monika Ortiz for the latest real estate information from the 22307 area or for information about places comparable to 6631 Wakefield Dr #711.
This deluxe one bedroom has been freshly painted and bathroom is equipped with a new toilet & vanity. Fabulous “killer’ view of the Dyke Marsh! Enjoy landscaped gardens, large pool with cabana, tennis courts, picnic grove, and even your own ... [Read more]
$215,000 || 1 BR || 1 BA || 0 HB || 714 SQFT ||
6631 Wakefield Dr #711 Alexandria 22307 VA
River Towers ||
About The Same Size As 6631 Wakefield Dr #711 In 22307?
All the residences in this table are about the same living area as 6631 Wakefield Dr #711. Why compare properties of a similar size to 6631 Wakefield Dr #711 in 22307? As a matter of fact, by comparing similarly-sized properties, a buyer can better understand the asking price and the real estate market in 22307.
▲ | ▼ |
Budget (1 to $300,000) | 2 Active |
How Much Home Can You Get In Alexandria For Around $215,000?
Are you wondering how much living area you can purchase for the same price as 6631 Wakefield Dr #711? The table below shows the sizes of other small condos now advertised for sale in Alexandria. All of these places cost approximately as much as 6631 Wakefield Dr #711.
▲ | ▼ |
Tiny (1 to 600 sqft) | 2 Active |
Smaller (601 to 700 sqft) | 1 Active |
Small (701 to 1,100 sqft) | 10 Active |
What Styles Are Available For A Similar List Price In Fairfax County?
Have you thought about what style of home you like? If you want to spend around $215,000 in Fairfax County, there are only so many options to choose from. The options are shown on the chart below.
Due to our ability to deliver outcomes that satisfy our clients, Nesbitt Realty has won numerous honors and accolades for customer satisfaction.
Full listing of
6631 Wakefield Dr #711 ||
River Towers ||
Alexandria ||
22307 ||
Alexandria Home Buying Clues
Monika's pointers of the day for buyers looking at 6631 Wakefield Dr #711 in Alexandria
Monika Ortiz is a full-time, well-informed Realtor. This property in Fairfax County is listed for sale for $215,000. In this community, condos are typically 60 years old. Find a Realtor that genuinely appreciates your business. Nesbitt Realty is a small family-business that needs to take care of clients, or our business won't exist any more! For this reason, Monika Ortiz appreciates the fact that you have a choice and you chose us.
Comparable In Price To 6631 Wakefield Dr #711
Monika Ortiz can assist you, if you would like to find out more about 6631 Wakefield Dr #711 or any of the homes below. Actually, if needed, Monika can provide details and more information.
Nesbitt Realty saves buyer's money.
The number of U.S. households is expected to rise 10 to 15 percent over the next decade. For this reason, Monika Ortiz advises, "The increase in U.S. households will create continued high demand for housing, which will of course affect the price of real estate in Alexandria."