What Can I Buy In Arlington For $600,000?
So, is 3825 S Four Mile Run Dr the most suitable end unit townhouse for you? Sometimes, the answer to a question is more questions.
Are you seeking a $580,000 3-bedroom 2-baths end unit townhouse in Arlington? Can you afford $580,000? Is it actually worth $600,000 or $550,000? Do you need 2 full baths and 0 half baths? How would you like Nesbitt Realty to rebate you $3,149 on this end unit townhouse acquisition? What is more, real estate has proven to have a long-term, stable growth in value.
$580,000 -|- 3 BR -|- 2 BA -|- 0 HB -|- 832 SQFT -|- 3825 S Four Mile Run Dr
Arlington 22206 VA
Fort Barnard Heights -|-
HUGE PRICE IMPROVEMENT! This beautiful 3-bedroom, 2-bathroom townhome is located in the heart of South Arlington, just minutes from downtown Shirlington and boasts a spacious fully fenced yard, perfect for entertaining or relaxing! Remodeled ... [Read more]
About The Same Size As 3825 S Four Mile Run Dr?
All the homes in this table are close to the same living area as 3825 S Four Mile Run Dr. Why compare properties of a similar size to 3825 S Four Mile Run Dr in the area near and inside the Beltway? Not to mention, by comparing similarly sized properties, a home buyer can appreciate the asking price and the real estate market in the NOVA region.
How Much Home Can You Get In Arlington County For Around $580,000?
Are you wondering how much living area you can purchase for the same price as 3825 S Four Mile Run Dr? The table below shows the sizes of other small properties now listed for sale in Arlington County. All of these homes cost about as much as 3825 S Four Mile Run Dr.
▲ | ▼ |
Small (701 to 1,100 sqft) | 5 Active |
Modest (1101 to 1,500 sqft) | 2 Active |
Mid-Sized (1501 to 2,000 sqft) | 2 Active |
Age Of Homes That Cost About As Much As 3825 S Four Mile Run Dr
Is the age of the property of importance to you? The median age of properties in Fort Barnard Heights is 78 years old. The median age of properties in Arlington County is 31 years old. Furthermore, you might wonder how old are similarly-priced homes available in Arlington?
The table below can give you an idea of the age of homes that are selling for about $580,000.
Updated information about
3825 S Four Mile Run Dr -|-
Fort Barnard Heights -|-
Arlington -|-
22206 -|-
Arlington Home Buying Tips
Monika's useful information of the day for buyers looking at 3825 S Four Mile Run Dr in Arlington
Monika Ortiz will look at every angle from your perspective, including crafting a purchase agreement that allows enough time for you to complete inspections and investigations of the property before you are bound to complete the purchase. 3825 S Four Mile Run Dr Arlington VA 22206 is in Fort Barnard Heights and the 22206 Zip code and is currently on the market for $580,000. This property has 832 sqft of above grade living area. In this community, properties are typically 78 years old. Monika Ortiz will look at every angle from your perspective, including crafting a purchase agreement that allows enough time for you to complete inspections and investigations of the property before you are bound to complete the purchase. Monika Ortiz understands residences in 22206 in Arlington.
Others Priced Like 3825 S Four Mile Run Dr
Monika Ortiz can guide you, if you would like to check out 3825 S Four Mile Run Dr or any of the end unit townhouses below. In addition, if needed, Monika can provide details and more information.
Contact Monika Ortiz
If you have questions about this end unit townhouse in 22206 in Arlington, email
Monika Ortiz. She can help.