Real Estate Sales & Rental Info About Condominiums in Northern Virginia

6616 Crayford St, Burke VA 22015 For Sale

What Can I Invest in In 22015 For $750,000?

Do you know all there is to know about 6616 Crayford St?  

Real Estate Things About The Burke Area

  • The median age of homes in the Burke area is 43 years. 6616 Crayford St is 38 years old.
  • The Burke Area has an average price per square foot of $434 . In contrast, 6616 Crayford St is $600 per sqft.
  • The average days on market in the Burke area is 24 days.
  • The average living area in the Burke area is 1,805 sqft. On the other hand, 6616 Crayford St has 1,250 sqft of living area.
  • Did you know that vinyl siding is the most common type of exterior in the Burke area?
5932 Cove Landing Rd #201d is the least expensive home in the Burke area. 5932 Cove Landing Rd #201d is listed for $289,900. However, 6908 View Park Dr #250 is the highest-priced home in the Burke area. 6908 View Park Dr #250 is asking $2,038,215. As a matter of fact, this information is deemed accurate but not guaranteed. But, this info will change.  What is true and accurate today, 06/17/2023, will not be entirely accurate tomorrow or the day before. Check with Julie Nesbitt for the latest real estate data from the Burke area or for about information about detached homes similar to 6616 Crayford St. Photo of 6616 Crayford St $750,000 /// 4 BR /// 3 BA /// 0 HB /// Burke 22015 VA

Don't Miss this One! Renovated and Updated Top to Bottom, Open & Light Filled, 6616 Crayford Street ticks all the boxes. Featuring Gleaming hardwoods & Vaulted Ceilings throughout the Main Level, an Open, yet Traditional Floorplan, Large ... [Read more]

Photo of 6616 Crayford St How Much Is A Mid 20th-Century Detached Home In 22015 in Burke?

How Much Does 1,250 Sqft Of Home In 22015 in Fairfax County Cost?

Photo of 6616 Crayford St

For Sale In Fairfax County With A Basement

Would you like a basement? If so, you're probably interested the the table below. The table describes how many homes listed for sale for close to $750,000 have a basement in Fairfax County.
Property has a basement34 Active
No basement16 Active
Photo of 6616 Crayford St Read more about
6616 Crayford St, Burke 22015

Don't Miss this One! Renovated and Updated Top to Bottom, Open & Light Filled, 6616 Crayford Street ticks all the boxes. Featuring Gleaming hardwoods & Vaulted Ceilings throughout the Main Level, an Open, yet Traditional Floorplan, Large ... [Read more]

|| Pepper Tree || Buyer's Rebate From Nesbitt Realty: $4,536 || MLS: VAFX2132882

Burke Home Buying Clues

Julie's suggestions of the day for buyers looking at 6616 Crayford St in Burke

Make an appealing offer! If your offer is not appealing in some way to the seller, then you have no chance at the purchase. This isn't always about the money. Julie Nesbitt is good proactive real estate professional. Therefore, Julie knows the best way to structure a contract to make it as appealing as possible to the sellers in Fairfax County. Therefore, the more appealing your offer on a detached home like 6616 Crayford St, the better chance it stands of being accepted. Most of the detached homes in Fairfax County were built in 1992. For an asking price of $750,000, you can call this detached home in 22015 yours. Julie Nesbitt is a local real estate agent that appreciates homes in Burke, Virginia.

Others Priced Like 6616 Crayford St

Julie Nesbitt can help you, if you would like to visit 6616 Crayford St or any of the detached homes below. Indeed, if needed, Julie can provide details and more information.

7905 Jansen Dr

[$725,000, Springfield, VA 22152]

100 S Barton St

[$749,999, Arlington, VA 22204]

5725 Norton Rd

[$762,500, Alexandria, VA 22303]

13082 Pilgrims Inn Dr

[$725,000, Woodbridge, VA 22193]

7885 Kendrick Ct

[$775,000, Manassas, VA 20112]

8003 Rockwood Ct

[$775,000, Springfield, VA 22153]

3015 Rogers Dr

[$737,000, Falls Church, VA 22042]

Contact Julie Nesbitt

How much can you save at 6616 Crayford St? Probably around $4,536 when you use Julie Nesbitt as your real estate professional. Learn more about how rebates work and how much you can save with Nesbitt Realty. To take a closer look at this mid 20th-century 4-bedroom place of residence, contact Julie Nesbitt. She is an expert on real estate for sale in 22015 in Fairfax County. Photo of 6616 Crayford St
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