How Much Is A 3-BR 1 BA Place In 22312 in the City of Alexandria?
Here’s some points about real estate in Alexandria, Virginia. Ultimately, the value of a property can be very subjective. But still, you can compare and contrast these facts with the basic data about 519 N Armistead St #103 to help measure market value.
The City of Alexandria Facts
- The average days on market in the City of Alexandria is 46 days.
- The average living area in the City of Alexandria is 1,644 sqft. But, 519 N Armistead St #103 has 1,182 sqft of living area.
- The City of Alexandria has an average price per square foot of $250
. Above all, 519 N Armistead St #103 is $250 per sqft.
- Did you know that brick is the most common type of exterior in the City of Alexandria?
- 2500 N van Dorn St #817 is the least expensive home in the City of Alexandria. 2500 N van Dorn St #817 is listed for $134,900. But even so, 119 Wolfe St is the highest-priced home in the City of Alexandria. 119 Wolfe St is asking $4,700,000.
- The median age of homes in the City of Alexandria is 49 years. 519 N Armistead St #103 is 56 years old.
Besides, this info is deemed accurate but not guaranteed. However, this information will change. What is true and accurate today, 06/25/2023, will not be entirely accurate tomorrow or the day before. Check with Nesbitt Realty for the latest real estate data from the City of Alexandria about properties like 519 N Armistead St #103.
Completely updated!!! This is a THREE BEDROOM, 1 -1/2 bath condo with great views! Open and Modern floor plan. Updated & eat in kitchen with granite counter tops , gas cooking , all wood cabinets, Stainless Steel Appliances, LED Recessed ... [Read more]
$295,900 -- 3 BR -- 1 BA -- 1 HB -- 1,182 SQFT --
Alexandria 22312 VA
![519 N Armistead St #103 Photo of 519 N Armistead St #103]()
More about
519 N Armistead St #103 --
Saxony Square --
Alexandria --
22312 --
Alexandria Home Buying Pointers
Nesbitt's useful information of the day for buyers looking at 519 N Armistead St #103 in Alexandria
Condo Buyers rely on Nesbitt Realty's expertise and experience in the City of Alexandria. Nesbitt Realty's knowledge of the Alexandria real estate market can factor into a buyer's offer on a specific property. 519 N Armistead St #103 Alexandria VA 22312 is in Saxony Square and the 22312 Zip code and is currently on the market for $295,900. This residence has 1,182 sqft of above grade living area. Properties in the City of Alexandria were built in 1974. Keep in mind that when a purchaser makes an offer, that offer is often an invitation to negotiate. Therefore, when you're negotiating a real estate deal in 22312, Nesbitt Realty can help you determine your
reserve point. The reserve point is the point at which you'd buy the residence, but any additional concession would be a deal-breaker. It's important to know your reserve point so that you can position your offer correctly.
Others Priced Like 519 N Armistead St #103
Nesbitt Realty can assist you, if you would like to view 519 N Armistead St #103 or any of the condos below. Moreover, if needed, Nesbitt can provide details and more information.
Nesbitt Realty is a local real estate business serving Alexandria, Virginia.
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Nesbitt Realty to learn more about how we can save you money on your purchase at 519 N Armistead St #103 or anywhere in 22312 in Alexandria.