Find A 2 Bedroom Condo in the Alexandria Area For $254,900
Price is the biggest limiter for most property hunters. 8501 Mina Loma Ct #254 is in Alexandria, Virginia and has been listed for 1 days. This condo has 900 sqft of above grade living area. The seller is asking $254,900. If you're comparing your options in Alexandria, Virginia and your prequalified spending limit is about $250,000, you may want to email Nesbitt Realty about 8501 Mina Loma Ct #254.

$254,900 -|- 2 BR -|- 1 BA -|- 0 HB -|- 900 SQFT -|- 8501 Mina Loma Ct #254
Alexandria 22309 VA
Pinewood Lawns -|-
Welcome to this tastefully renovated home in Pinewood Lawns community! Upper-level two-bedroom one bath condo conveniently located to Ft. Belvior, Parks, Shopping Centers and Restaurants! Updated kitchen with new modern white shaker cabinets, ... [Read more]
How Much Home Can You Get In Alexandria For Around $254,900?
Are you wondering how much living area you can purchase for the same price as 8501 Mina Loma Ct #254? The table below shows the sizes of other small condos now on the market in Alexandria. All of these condos cost around as much as 8501 Mina Loma Ct #254.
▲ | ▼ |
Tiny (1 to 600 sqft) | 6 Active |
Smaller (601 to 700 sqft) | 5 Active |
Small (701 to 1,100 sqft) | 22 Active |
Modest (1101 to 1,500 sqft) | 10 Active |
Homes With The Same Number Of Beds As 8501 Mina Loma Ct #254
2 Bedroom in 22309 Asking $254,900
Is the number of bedrooms important for you? If so, you might wonder what else is listed for sale in Fairfax County with the same number of bedrooms?
Nesbitt Realty agents are full-time, local, knowledgeable long-time residents.
Full listing of
8501 Mina Loma Ct #254 -|-
Pinewood Lawns -|-
Alexandria -|-
22309 -|-
Alexandria Home Buying Tips
Nesbitt's surprising tips of the day for buyers looking at 8501 Mina Loma Ct #254 in Alexandria
8501 Mina Loma Ct #254 is currently selling at $254,900. This dwelling has 900 sqft of above grade living area. Nesbitt Realty will rebate approximately $768 to our client when they use Nesbitt Realty as their buyer agent. Nesbitt Realty advises that buyers looking at 8501 Mina Loma Ct #254 in Fairfax County find a proactive Realtor that works largely with property hunters in Fairfax County. Nesbitt Realty is a results-driven Realtor who can meet you in a timely manner. Nesbitt has experience working with predominantly home hunters. For this reason, we knows how time is of the essence when shopping for a property in a hot market. Condos in Pinewood Lawns were built in 1972. Further, Nesbitt Realty knows residences like these and can tell you how to achieve your real estate goals in 22309.
Comparable In Price To 8501 Mina Loma Ct #254
Nesbitt Realty can help you, if you would like to learn more about 8501 Mina Loma Ct #254 or any of the condos below. As a matter of fact, if needed, Nesbitt can provide details and more information.
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When you buy a place of residence, the home is yours. That means, you can decorate any way you want and choose the types of upgrades and new amenities that appeal to
you and to your lifestyle in Fairfax County.