$250,000 || Springfield VA 22152 - Comparables and Suggestions
So, is 5902-L Surrey Hill Pl #709 the residence for you? That depends. Are you trying to find a mid 20th-century condo in 22152? Can you afford $240,000? Is it actually worth $275,000 or $225,000? Do you need 1 full baths and 0 half baths? How would you like Nesbitt Realty to rebate you $687 on this real estate purchase? Phone Will Nesbitt to learn more from a hard-working sage on Springfield real estate.
This one sparkles! This fabulous condo is ready to move into! Newer Flooring, , Newer Washer/Dryer combo unit in the unit - so no need to schlep to the community laundry facility. Fantastically Elegant and Updated kitchen and bath. Located at ... [Read more]
$240,000 || 1 bed || 1 bath || 0 half-bath || 676 sqft || 5902-L Surrey Hill Pl #709 Springfield 22152 VAAbout The Same Size As 5902-L Surrey Hill Pl #709?
All the places in this table are roughly the same living area as 5902-L Surrey Hill Pl #709. Why compare properties of a similar size to 5902-L Surrey Hill Pl #709 in the NOVA region? On the other hand, by comparing similarly sized homes, a buyer can comprehend the asking price and the real estate market in the area near and inside the Beltway.▲ | ▼ |
Alexandria | 14 Active |
Winchester | 5 Active |
Luray | 5 Active |
Reston | 4 Active |
McLean | 4 Active |
Falls Church | 4 Active |
Arlington | 3 Active |
Woodbridge | 3 Active |
Strasburg | 3 Active |
Front Royal | 3 Active |
Annandale | 2 Active |
Manassas | 2 Active |
Edinburg | 2 Active |
Fairfax | 1 Active |
Fulks Run | 1 Active |
Herndon | 1 Active |
Elkton | 1 Active |
Dumfries | 1 Active |
Mount Crawford | 1 Active |
New Market | 1 Active |
Clear Brook | 1 Active |
Shenandoah | 1 Active |
Springfield | 1 Active |
Stephens City | 1 Active |
Chester Gap | 1 Active |
Broadway | 1 Active |
Bentonville | 1 Active |
Neighborhoods In 22152 With Options Around $240,000
All the enclaves in this table have homes selling which are about the same living area as 5902-L Surrey Hill Pl #709. Why identify communities like this? Because, by comparing a number of places, a home hunter can get what is indeed available in 22152.▲ | ▼ |
Cardinal Forest | 1 Active |
Smaller Condo For $240,000 in 22152
For Sale In Springfield With A Garage
Would you like a garage? If so, you're probably interested the the table below. The table describes how many places listed for close to $240,000 have a garage in Springfield.▲ | ▼ |
No garage parking | 1 Active |
Springfield Home Buying Tips
Will's pro tips of the day for buyers looking at 5902-L Surrey Hill Pl #709 in Springfield
This real estate in Fairfax County is for sale for $240,000. It’s not uncommon for property seekers to miss out on the first dwelling they wish to buy simply because they don’t act quickly enough. By the time the property seekers have made their decision, they find that someone else has already purchased the home. Further, Will Nesbitt can help you get your ducks in a row, so that when the opportunity arises, you'll be ready to strike. Will Nesbitt can give you s about 5902-L Surrey Hill Pl #709 but most of the unit/flat homes in Cardinal Forest were built in 1968. It's best to rely on a local expert like Will Nesbitt to search for homes. Ad hoc searches without professional assistance rarely return right results.Also Listed
Will Nesbitt can advise you, if you would like to stop by 5902-L Surrey Hill Pl #709 or any of the properties below. In fact, if needed, Will can provide details and more information.Property Type: Condo for Sale
Price: $209,000
Last Updated: 05/19/2023
Property Type: Condo for Sale
Price: $225,900
Last Updated: 05/19/2023
Property Type: Condo for Sale
Price: $300,000
Last Updated: 05/19/2023
Property Type: Condo for Sale
Price: $265,000
Last Updated: 05/19/2023