Useful Factors For Purchasers Shopping In The Alexandria Area
If you’re interested in learning more about condos comparable to 5801 Quantrell Ave #T7 in Alexandria, you’ve come to the right place.
Real Estate Facts About The 22312 Area
- The median age of homes in the 22312 area is 55 years. 5801 Quantrell Ave #T7 is 60 years old.
- The 22312 Area has an average price per square foot of $228
. But, 5801 Quantrell Ave #T7 is $256 per sqft.
- The average days on market in the 22312 area is 182 days.
- The average living area in the 22312 area is 1,616 sqft. But, 5801 Quantrell Ave #T7 has 660 sqft of living area.
- Did you know that brick is the most common type of exterior in the 22312 area?
418 N Armistead St #103 is the
least expensive home in the 22312 area.
418 N Armistead St #103 is listed for $1,750. But even so,
4900 Birch Ln is the
highest-priced home in the 22312 area.
4900 Birch Ln is asking $2,000,000.
As a matter of fact, this information is deemed accurate but not guaranteed. But even so, this info will change. What is true and accurate today, 04/01/2023, will not be entirely accurate tomorrow or the day before. Check with Nesbitt Realty & Management for the latest real estate info from the 22312 area or for information about residences like 5801 Quantrell Ave #T7.
Charming and stylish one bedroom condo for sale in a highly desirable location. This lovely living space offers comfort, convenience, and a modern design, making it the perfect choice for anyone looking for an affordable and stylish home.
As ... [Read more]
$169,000 || 1 BR || 1 BA || 0 HB || Alexandria Virginia
About The Same Size As 5801 Quantrell Ave #T7?
All the residences in this table are about the same living area as 5801 Quantrell Ave #T7. Why compare properties of a similar size to 5801 Quantrell Ave #T7 in Alexandria? Indeed, by comparing similarly-sized homes, a home hunter can better understand the asking price and the real estate market in Alexandria.
How Much Home Can You Get In Alexandria For Around $169,000?
Are you wondering how much living area you can purchase for the same price as 5801 Quantrell Ave #T7? The table below shows the sizes of other smaller condos now available in Alexandria. All of these condos cost approximately as much as 5801 Quantrell Ave #T7.
▲ | ▼ |
Tiny (1 to 600 sqft) | 5 Active |
Smaller (601 to 700 sqft) | 2 Active |
Small (701 to 1,100 sqft) | 4 Active |
More about
5801 Quantrell Ave #T7 ||
The Seasons ||
Alexandria ||
22312 ||
Alexandria Home Buying Pointers
Nesbitt Realty & Management's suggestions of the day for buyers looking at 5801 Quantrell Ave #T7 in Alexandria
As a matter of fact, Nesbitt Realty & Management can provide objective information about 5801 Quantrell Ave #T7 and help you use that data to help you determine if this condo has what you need. 5801 Quantrell Ave #T7 Alexandria VA 22312 is in The Seasons and the 22312 Zip code and is currently selling for $169,000. This residence has 660 sqft of above grade living area. The median age of properties in The Seasons is 60 years old. The median age of residences in the City of Alexandria is 43 years old. According to the National Association of REALTORS®, median single-family existing-home sale prices have increased on average 5.2 percent each year from 1972 through 2014. Nesbitt Realty & Management is a great Realtor that gets condos in Alexandria.
Compare 5801 Quantrell Ave #T7 To
Nesbitt Realty & Management can help you, if you would like to view 5801 Quantrell Ave #T7 or any of the properties below. On the other hand, if needed, Nesbitt Realty & Management can provide details and more information.
Nesbitt Realty saves buyer's money.
How much can you save at 5801 Quantrell Ave #T7? Probably around $ when you use Nesbitt Realty & Management as your real estate pro. Learn more about
how rebates work and how much you can save with Nesbitt Realty. Phone Nesbitt Realty & Management to learn more from a well-informed specialist on 22312 in the City of Alexandria real estate.