Julie Nesbitt is here to guide if you are looking at buying real estate.
Often, in 22314 in the City of Alexandria, it's cheaper for service-members to buy than to rent—especially if we pick up the funds for your closing costs. If you are buying and you have a military connection, one of your biggest hurdles you'll need to clear is your funds to close. That’s true whether you’re thinking about real estate in 22314 or any other home like this $295,000 penthouse at 236 W Taylor Run Pkwy #10. But Nesbitt Realty has a (partial) solution: I can help with your cash for your closing costs.
How much? Think about it: if you use Julie Nesbitt as your agent when you purchase a home like this striking penthouse in Seminary Walk at 236 W Taylor Run Pkwy #10, then Nesbitt Realty will pay a military down-payment assistance of $1,003 toward your money for settlement fees. Naturally, details and restrictions apply. For instance, this offer is void where prohibited.
For some buyers, our rebate can be the difference between purchasing now or next year.
Nesbitt Realty
Julie Nesbitt is a solid whiz on real estate in 22314 in Alexandria, and Julie Nesbitt works for a locally-owned real estate company. Thanks for the opportunity to serve your real estate needs. Your business is appreciated. On top of all that, Nesbitt Realty will pay a down-payment rebate of $1,003 toward your funds for your closing costs. Please contact Julie Nesbitt for details and to discuss further.
$295,000 ~ 1 BR ~ 1 BA ~ 0 HB ~ Alexandria
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